I guess I have been employed there for about 4 months or so and I have lost the extra weight and then some! I have meet some great people and some jerks but that comes with the territory. Only problem now is that I can't put them in jail when they piss me off, well getting use to civilian life is tough but I am adjusting. Sometimes I have to watch my language and I am getting better at it. My wife and I have had several booths at Angels for almost a year now and now I am getting to see the behind the scene stuff to see how things work and it has been fascinating. For those of you that are fans of the show AMERICAN PICKERS, well this is it in real life. People finding old or new "junk" and turning it into treasures. It has taken on a life of its own and it is fun as hell! Do you ever pass by a trash pile and wonder what some people are throwing away? Well you would be surprised and even more surprised at what some people will pay for it! Just think of all that stuff you have laying around the house that you don't use anymore, that stuff that is just taking up space, that is gold and it is right under your noses!
It is a life style that you have to love and understand because some things are just junk and others are real life treasures. It is the excitement of the hunt and the thrill of finding that one elusive piece that brings the big bucks. Imagine paying .99 cents for something at a yard sale and then turning around selling it for $100.00! Does that happen all the time, of course not but it does happen often - if you know what you are looking for and that is where my wife comes in, she can sniff out a find in a pile of junk. She is the brains behind the outfit, I am just the muscle. She has the dream and I build or restore her dream. Now this lifestyle is the farther est from law enforcement that you could get and I love it. You know what I did today? I mopped floors and repaired some light fixtures and loved every minute of it!! I even spent part of the day cleaning the parking lot. GOD I am so blessed! No more late calls at night, no more wondering if everyone was alright ( except family of course ). Do I miss it sometimes? Of course I do but it quickly passes!
So for a few posts we will get caught up on what I have been doing and yes I still do stupid things, that is just me and I can't help it but I think you will enjoy it. Hopefully I can post some pictures of projects we have worked on and share our successes and failures along the way. It is good to be back talking with you again, I have missed our time together and I know it is entirely my fault and no one to blame but myself. So for now, I will leave you with this thought, don't be afraid to live your dream, if you don't you may regret it for the rest of your life.